the tundrah blog
Friday, May 30, 2003
check out this girl's
i really like it. makes me wish i would get off my butt and start painting. but, i am eagerly awaiting the Daniel Smith catalog that i ordered a few weeks ago..... then, i shall paint.
another site that motivated me is
this one.
if this guy can make arty tees and sell them for $100, so can i.
Thursday, May 29, 2003
guess i'm on the weekly program as of late.....
i've been busy. left last Wednesday for home. Cruised to LA on Thursday, did some shopping then went to the Skate Awards. It was nothing new, nothing amazing (with the exception I guess of the pretty much topless amazon woman who breathed fire). But I get a kick out of the hipster-skate scene, especially in small doses. Plus it was the first place I've been in a while where I actually know people..... Stayed in a somewhat shady hotel that night in Hollywood.... I've gotten pretty spoiled with my work travel--spending $150 on a nice room with the company money is a lot easier than springing for a nice room on my own... hung out more in LA for a bit with Pete and Sierra, then cruised home. Went out that night to the Saloon for a bit, saw eRon and friends. Left on Saturday, very late thanks to Sierra and her new crush. We drove to Vegas, hoping to find a room on Memorial Day weekend.... duh. ended up driving another hour and finding what we thought was a quaint little roadside motel. it was cute, but also had cockroaches. I saw one crawling up the wall, then Sierra pulled her comforter back to find one on her pillow, then one landed on me, which culminated in me freaking out and spraying ginger spray all over myself, the beds and Sierra.... fun fun. it seemed to hold them at bay. the next day we made it to Zion and took a float down the river. it was super fun. it was really warm out and the river was so nice. We kinda sailed in and out without ever making it into the park, I really need to plan a week trip down to SW Utah again to spend some time. Hopped back in the car with plans of camping somewhere, but we ended up powering all the way back home, which was great for me.
Monday just hung out and worked in the yard. It looks really good right now, my mission this weekend is to get some pictures. Sierra even mowed round two of the front lawn for me. Now that's a good houseguest. And, yesterday, I got a new kitty! She's only seven weeks old and she looks just like the big cat. So, she will keep my occupied as well.......
things are good, am home for a few weeks, need to round up someone to keep the plants and animals entertained while I'm gone for two weeks.....
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
it's been a week since i've posted. a lot has happened, not a lot has happened. things are the more or less the same... leaving again. i love going home and traveling, but i'm starting to feel guilty about leaving so much as far as the cat is concerned. most cats could care less but she's a little more needy than your average cat. also have been planting up a storm and am jeapordizing all my new plants by entrusting them to someone elses care.... such a freak i am.
speaking of my yard, this weekend i completed the much-procrastinated task of mowing the lawn. that would be the very expansive lawn that was a solid foot high in some paces and thick as hell. the excess rain created a beautiful jungle in my back yard. two days, many hours and a few blisters later, i finished. hopefully that will keep it under control for at least another week or two. also painted my corner armoire, bought a TV (i've banished my long-standing vigil to be TV-less), and got a coffee table. some money was dropped.....
i'm just thinking how boring this blog must be to the unfortunate people who read it..... mowing lawns and buying shoes and weather reports and personal boringness. oh well. this is my place to spew. spew this!
leave tonight, LA shoppin' and Transworld Skate awards tomorrow, driving around eventually ending back up here on Sunday or Monday.
over and out.
Wednesday, May 14, 2003
hello blog.
i'm back. hip hop hooray. the homefront was lovely as always. the weather forces smiled upon me and the tanning rays were good. saw friends and fam, even spent a bit at the beach and in the surf. spend gobs o' money on presents for others, and of course myself. got my gray hairs back under wraps, also was totally duped into buying a ridiculously expensive pair of shoes at Nordstroms by a cute sales guy and his tag-team of shoe sellers. hah, but they also have the best return policy in retail, so those suckers may be going back where they came from. overall it was super cool.
i am totally avoiding doing anything resembling work right now. the boss is out, as is much of the department, so i'm just trying to organize my life.... hopefully will get some house projects done this weekend, like painting the armoire and mowing the lawn. i am so not used to a lawn that grows of it's own accord. when i moved in 2+ months ago, it was still buried under snow, and now the damn thing is near a foot high in some places..... i need to get crackin' on that. also was encouraged last night by a friends mom on my planting decisions. i'm going to plant some more snap peas and beans this weekend. i think i'm actually gonna slip out of here shortly and go finish weeding my garden bed. it's finally nice here, but due to rain this weekend. surprise. also had spa crisis last night when i went out in the yard, heard strange noises from the jacuzzi and found it had completey drained itslef and was chuggin away empty! ACK!!! luckily i got a hold of the Dad who directed me to the breaker box and i shut the damn thing off. hope it doesn't cost me an arm and a leg..... blugh.
Wednesday, May 07, 2003
departure time minus 4 hours...... so glad to get to go home. work is getting more managable, but i'm still burnt and ready for a break. have lots o plans.... eRon's birthday is on Friday night, have some fun work stuff to do on friday AM, getting my hair contained on Saturday, going out that night with all the sisses, sunday Mom's Day brunch and gatherings, and the like.
it will be very, very nice. think sun thoughts for me. and favorite salons and panini and ocean thoughts.......
Tuesday, May 06, 2003
this still remains as one of my favorite websites ever. you'd think the gimmick would get old, but no. it just gets funnier. good thing i don't do drugs....
also found a new music site that i really like. it's called
tiny mix tapes dot com. a nice alternative to pitchfork..... check it!
Monday, May 05, 2003
acckk! i fucked up my html and all hell broke loose! please excuse the multiple/nonsensical posting order..... ! but check out the following post, it's tres coole.
wow. i found this program that makes poems from websites. following are three that resulted from my blog..... kinda hard to read, but some of the phrasing is quite nice. i especially like "trailer parks and organized" and "nominated for the Ass Kicker."
the tundrah blog /* This but
by the trek up to the life
blugh. tundrah blog /* and some really
excited about. trailer parks and organized.
yesterday, was raining
which really be some reason, very little switch backing
involved. the first two stright up
for the
only allowing so far, as
everyone else defected early.
the Ass Kicker. basically
a good and for
a few hours
today by the
tundrah baditude catalyst mag stuff like
i pretty much killed all plants with Jen,
and you could see all
over it, was a totally
different subject, have
been actually we had to get a
birthday, and
Number 2, they
die already . posted this, style part between getting
ready for some sort of
time so then for
our accessories. much killed all
tired so no today
are used furniture at the way to bail town
early, usually the town early,
on graphics
the part between style with
the sun to get
rid of their art
advertising/etc. . sad but
my neck of their
art advertising/etc.
the towel, but
by hiding in the life blugh. tundrah
7:37 AM
postCount ;Comments Monday, chitlins,
be some reason
we were mercifully cut short of the
paper looked to go pick out of anyways,
i was suddenly inspired to anyone who heard the
reps coming down
to do what i
were already posted
this, ad | advertise here
the band was raining, which
really excited about. this weekend
at the colours of the
getting ready for sale problem was,
for the Ass
Kicker. basically a
bunch of 003366. */
here's the
posted by group Y # 11:06 AM
here's the
link for what i'm babbling about below......
wow. i found this program that makes poems from websites. following are three that resulted from my blog..... kinda hard to read, but some of the phrasing is quite nice. i especially like "trailer parks and organized" and "nominated for the Ass Kicker."
the tundrah blog /* This but
by the trek up to the life
blugh. tundrah blog /* and some really
excited about. trailer parks and organized.
yesterday, was raining
which really be some reason, very little switch backing
involved. the first two stright up
for the
only allowing so far, as
everyone else defected early.
the Ass Kicker. basically
a good and for
a few hours
today by the
tundrah baditude catalyst mag stuff like
i pretty much killed all plants with Jen,
and you could see all
over it, was a totally
different subject, have
been actually we had to get a
birthday, and
Number 2, they
die already . posted this, style part between getting
ready for some sort of
time so then for
our accessories. much killed all
tired so no today
are used furniture at the way to bail town
early, usually the town early,
on graphics
the part between style with
the sun to get
rid of their art
advertising/etc. . sad but
my neck of their
art advertising/etc.
the towel, but
by hiding in the life blugh. tundrah
7:37 AM
postCount ;Comments Monday, chitlins,
be some reason
we were mercifully cut short of the
paper looked to go pick out of anyways,
i was suddenly inspired to anyone who heard the
reps coming down
to do what i
were already posted
this, ad | advertise here
the band was raining, which
really excited about. this weekend
at the colours of the
getting ready for sale problem was,
for the Ass
Kicker. basically a
bunch of 003366. */
here's the
posted by group Y # 10:59 AM
sos, the weekend was good. and for some reason, I am unreasonably tired. ugh. Friday night was a friend-in-town's birthday, and it turned into an all girls out on the town deal. amazingly enough, Jen and i were in for the long haul as everyone else defected early. we're usually the first two to throw in the towel, but we were on a mission. her significant other was out of town and i had one of their guest rooms reserved, so we went all out.
slightly hungover, we got up early on Saturday to venture down towards my neck of the woods, con Christine for what in the paper looked to be a very promising moving/estate sale. problem was, Number 1 it was raining, which really wouldnt have mattered except for Number 2, they were only allowing so many people inside at a time, so we had to stand shivering out on the porch until allowed in by the door kid. Jen opted to forgo the torture and nurse her hangover by hiding in the car talking on her phone. for some reason we stuck it out, and got inside, to find Number 3, that the majority of objects for sale were already sold, and Number 4, they were ridiculously over-priced any way. Christine also confirmed that a lot of the stuff was from Cost Plus and Pier 1, and apparently the woman was trying to sell used furniture at retail pricing. Sweet. so we bailed happily empty handed, and headed back up to Ketchum to imbibe in a large greasy breakfast. yum.
i headed home. it was raining quite enthusiatically, which it seems to have been doing on and off for the last month. so, no gardening or fun stuff like that. i was forced to go shopping for more home accesories. i bought books and some really marvelous new sheets, which now make it even more painful to get out of bed. my friend Jason came over to see my house and surprisingly brought me a nice house warming gift. other than that i just cleaned and organized.
yesterday, i stayed in my bed for as long as possible, finishing a movie and reading. finally got up at 10:30 or so, then headed up for a hike with Jen. the hike we did is technically called Sun Peak, but it's also known as the Ass Kicker. It's basically a mile or two stright up this hill/ridge, very little switch backing involved. the trek up was tough, but i almost think coming down was worse. my knees were not thrilled. it also was raining when we started, but by the time we got to the top the sun was trying to come out and it was really pretty--we got a great view of the town and you could see all the way down to Hailey. very cool. it was nice when i got home so i weeded more of my gardening bed and planted some lettuce (it froze last night though, i hope they didn't die already). then had dinner and jacuzzi night with Jen, all was mellow and good.
so, it was good, and for some reason very tiring. or maybe my body is just trying to trick me in to thinking i'm tired so it can go curl up in my now-so-luscious bed....... yawn.
Friday, May 02, 2003
this is sad, really sad. i've been a photoshop maven the last few days, and was suddenly inspired to spruce up my website that has been neglected for the last six months..... and now for the life of me, i can't remember how to get on the damn thing.....
07/01/2002 - 08/01/2002
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01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
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12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008
03/01/2008 - 04/01/2008
