
the tundrah blog

Monday, June 30, 2003

it's Mundaye, and i'm back in the saddle here in lovely ID. it is actually much prettier weather-wise here than it was at home, but definitely a little on the warm side for me. my metal roof tends to bake and retain heat, so sleeping sans air-conditioning is a little trying, but not impossible. i also arrived yesterday with the dog, so now the animal count is up to 3. which is probably about 2 more than i can handle, but no one's but my own doing, so i'll deal.

work sucks in a huge way right now. we're cutting budgets like mad, enough to the effect that i'm worrying about the stability of my job. my boss assures me not to, but still, i'm pretty freaked. or at least enough to sit back and decide that i really need to evaluate my money situation in a very big way. i basically have no savings and am still in debt--that is, other than my house debt. so if i were to lose my job tomorrow, i'd be royally screwed. so, it is my mission to get rid of all my debt, now. it's not going to be a cakewalk, that's for sure, but it's something i've been putting off for a while.....

blugh. how can i be making good money then suddenly have none??? ack.

posted by group Y  # 1:56 PM

Thursday, June 26, 2003

i just took some random personlity test, and this is what i am...

free enneagram test

i'm also very high in the achiever category, but scored a zero in the peacemaker category. whoops.

so we went to Beck the other night. the absolute highlight was his cover of Nelly's "Hot in Herre." that rocked. unfortunately the 4 of us got seperated to two different sections, but we all had great seats, especially Pete and i. we actually had the best seats i've ever sat in at a show like that, absolute center, about 4 rows back. we had backstage passes, but there were only 2, so i didn't want anyone to have to wait around so we took off. i still need to call the guy who hooked us up and say thanks.

i also made it into Transworld yesterday and Primedia on Tuesday. whenever i go into those places, i get really homesick. everyone's so fun and there's so much going on, i fell like i miss out a lot by not being here.....

i'm trying to find music for our commercial, listening to some random bands... got the hookup for some different record label types and have found some decent stuff. it's weird to think how many small-scale bands there are out there that actually are signed with albums made, but tey aren't that good, or they just never really get shuffled to the top o the heap....
posted by group Y  # 12:39 PM

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

'ullo blog.

it was quite a good weekend. went to the fair on friday--it was the usual fair ordeal, ate bad food, wandered aimlessly, made everyone hysterical with my uncontrollable screaming.... the fair ROX!

went to the wedding on Saturday. Heather and i had quite a time with everything getting there--traffic, missed appointments, rude people, etc. and, we shelled out $140 to stay at The Johnathan Club (said with ridiculous snooty accent because it's the oldest society club in LA), which was really not very nice at all. you're get scowled at for wearing denim in the lobby cause it's actually written in the rules that you must "dress appropriately." Please. anyways. the wedding was fine enough. somewhat serious and stuffy (surprise!) but fine. what terrified my sister and i the most was that the bride seemed not exactly thrilled to be there. hopefully it was just the stress and overwhelmingness of it all, and not that she really didn't want to be there.....

the highlight of the weekend was our trip to Palm Springs. the hotel turned out to be great. super-great style, which of course always wows me. all we really did was sit around in the sun and go out to eat, which was fine by me. it was actually sunny out there, and definitely hot. it was a nice time.

back to work and am having to deal with not-fun stuff....... cutting more dollars....... ack.


posted by group Y  # 12:09 PM

Friday, June 20, 2003

tundrah to the izzo blog to the izzae.

it's fridaye. yaye. am heading out shortly down to my hood. we're going to try to shred the gnar gnar even though it ts horribly gloomy still. looks like the sky is breaking up a bit, keep yr fingers crossed. also heading out to the fair tonite, have the black-tie wedding tomorrow nite, and Heathy and i are Palm Springs-bound on Sunday. sweet. i'm really for some quality sun and pooltime. oh, and we're getting massages too, woo hoo!

just a side note, i love my So Cal office peeps, i'm ready to come home (in case you didn't already know that....)

happy weekend.

posted by group Y  # 3:29 PM

Thursday, June 19, 2003

I saw this article in the San Diego Union Tribune this morning and got all fired up about it. We are rapidly descending towards social and environmental hell in a hand basket, compliments of the Republican Party.

in other news, watched the premier of Boarding House last night. I caught some definite tweakings, but after talking to some peeps that are better versed in the inner-workings of the surf world than I, there were some glaring inaccuracies--both in dialogue and editing. I find it entertaining that these "reallity shows" are so manipulated and messed with for increased drama factor that any semblance of reality is rapidly depleted. The two main plot lines seem to be hashing out as Sonny Garcia beating on everyone, and V.Kay and Holly Beck not liking each other, both situations which are obviously created by the show to keep the scandal factor alive..... Anyways, I'll be watching.....

And, I am in total zombie-mode at the moment.... Trail of the Dead was rockin' last night, even though I pussed out and made everyone leave early.... they were very inpressinve live. The best part about their show was that there're three guys that rotate singing duties, and each one has his own definite style. They also were having a great time and were enjoying themselves, which is always refreshing, especially in place of the "we're cooler than shit" vibe. Sos, overall, very bueno.

I am trying to sneak out of here early so i can go sleep, but now an ad has come up that is not going to be done in time and I may have to wait around to approve it..... BOO.

posted by group Y  # 11:13 AM

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

hullo blog.

i am living the life of a transient again...... have yet to stay in the same place for two nights in a row for the last week.....am living out of my car. tonite is ...And You Will Know Us By the Trail of the Dead at the Casbah. am looking forward to it, haven't been to a good show in forever. all the hipsters will be out en masse. shows at the Casbah are always interesting, that is if you can survive the headliner not coming on til midnight, which always makes for a long nite. i've finally got it down--don't leave for downtown til at least nine or later, make a leisurely stop for coffee or late-night eats along the way... that way we get there shortly before said headliner, and i'm not crying in cranky agony from standing around in whatever hipster getup i find myself in for hours.

the older i get, the less patience i have for opening bands.... and along with that, the less patience i have to deal with music in general. one of the really cool parts of my job is that i am the "music person," who deals with music for our website, videos, commercials, etc. which, so far, i aven't been that great at it, probably for two reasons. 1.), i'm pretty intimidated by the whole music industry deal. i'm definitely a music geek, but shudder at the thought of talking shop with "real" music types. and 2.), i'm tired of bad music and have little patience listening to what i instantly deem as sucky music. which makes stacks and stacks of CDs pile up on my desk, still sadly living in their little plastic wrappers.

i just got sidetracked, and don't feel like rambling about my music issues..... what i do feel like rambling about is the brand-new first issue of Lemonade. It's being put out by the publishers of Happy, which is a free action-sports mag thats been coming out of OC for the last 5 or so years. Lemonade is its new girly counter-part, and it rocks. I've talked to them a bit -- I'd love to write something for them, but am not so good at coming up with stuff, any idears? check out the new mag too, you should be able to find it at a surf shop near you......

happy june gloom.
posted by group Y  # 10:04 AM

Monday, June 16, 2003

home again home again. well not really home, I'm in the San Clemente office currently, but am quite happy about it. Even despite the horribly gloomy weather that we're having. it's quite horrific actually, but what can you do. Am going to be putting some solid mileage on the car, going back and forth between SD and OC, but it will be well worth it. Plus I'm a child of the car capital of the world, so my car time is good time. the only hitch so far has been my lack of email access, which is definitely putting a hitch in my ability to work.... oh well, just an excuse to screw around, as I am doing now.....

tonight is Nat's 21st birthday! apparently a limo has been rented and much mahem will be ensuing..... i will be late to work tomorrow for sure. wish me luck.

and Eryn, reming me about the biography, it is rox. well maybe not rox, but quite good.

posted by group Y  # 5:15 PM

Monday, June 09, 2003

i really shouldn't be posting on this right now, cause i've got a lot o' shit to do, but hey. avoidance is a great skill. avoidance was pretty much my MO this weekend. i went out on friday night, and went to a skatepark opening party for a bit on Saturday day, but other than that i hid out. i did an honorable amount of lying around. by myself unfortunately.

my list for the day is:

places i layed around this weekend.

- the backyard grass under a tree
- on my 2$ chaise on the patio
- in the bath
- on my new couch
- in my bed, duh.
- in the guest bed at Cory and Jen's

i have a new book that i'm very loving (a biography of Peggy Guggenheim) and a new tv which i'm pretty intrigued with, so hence the immobilty. i watched Hillary Clinton's interview last night. i don't care what other people say, she is a classy woman. i which i had that much restraint when asked personal questions. i tend to melt down and run off at the mouth.... by the way, Barbara Walters needs to jump off. she bugs in a huge way.

happy monday, only a few more day til my two week stint at home! woo hoo!

posted by group Y  # 11:04 AM

Friday, June 06, 2003

so, i like lists. i make them in my head all the time. usually they're just things i-need-to-do lists, or sometimes random music categorization, or self-absorbed ticking-off of likes, dislikes, etc. as i've become older and busier i've really had a hard time containing the lists of written-down variety. they are in sketchbooks, in notebooks, on my computer, on my palm that i don't particularly care for, on scraps of paper, etc. so, maybe i'll just add another dimension to the disorganization and start putting them here as well. people seem to think of me as organized, but i am beginning to greatly doubt that attribute. i feel like a freakin' mess. anyways, here's a list:

reasons why dogs shouldn't be allowed in the office:
(and by the way, as an animal person, i never would have guessed i'd ever make a list like this. but, i've changed my mind)
1. other people's dogs are obnoxious, especially when they run around unleashed
2. dog noises (ie barking or fighting) in the background while you're on business phone calls just *somehow* makes things seem a tad unprofessional
3. getting ranting and raving group VM messages from the office mom about having to clean up dog diarreah when you dont even have a dog, is not something i particularly care for
4. when someone goes out of town in my department, often, their dogs are watched by someone else in my department. so, said dogs are usually less than thrilled that their owner is not around, and behave in an even more horrible than usual manner
5. people have been bit. you'd think that when this was the case, that an office-wide ban would occur, but since said office Mom has two dogs, obviously thats not gonna happen
6. all these things said, i will most likely bring my dog into the office when she moves up here. why not?
posted by group Y  # 9:02 AM

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

my boss just came up to me and asked me if we were currently supplying glasses to the band Widespread Panic. I gave a resounding "NO!" and, as long as i have any say, it will stay that way. just the thought makes my skin crawl. logic-wise, it probably would be a smart move to get exposure (or rather more exposure than we already have) in the band-following-showerless-hippie market. hell, those people are kayakers and parasailers and wilderness dwellers too. but you know what, i just can't sacrifice my dignity for a few extra sales. fuck, what am i talking about? those people dont buy stuff anyways. harrumph.

so. weekend was good, i actually was amazingly social and still managed to get stuff done. i did have an extremely frustrating afternoon on friday. i am still dealing with my doctors office and insurance company whom are both screwing with me in every way possible. to sum it up nicely, i got a $200 bill that the insurance company wont pay for lab work done in January that i still havent heard the results back from the doctor. (sorry, that is a horrible sentence). that rocks. fuck small-town practices and insurance companies that dont know their ass from a hole in the ground.

somehow this is turning out to be a negative post. that wasnt really my intention, i'm not even in a bad mood. :( maybe i just need to vent some pent up frustrations.....

on a happy note, my new kitty is good. soon there will be photos up on my old website of her and the house. i'm excited for everyone to see the house pics especially, i'm really proud of how it's looking. the yard looks good too (not really in the photos). i painted some of my terracota pots white and planted some more flowers. and, my snap peas and green beans are coming up! i'm so excited--i've never grown anything from seed before and most everything seems to be doing great.

and Pete is coming up next week for a day or so, then we are driving home! hooray for two weeks at home.

there, i ended on a good note. :)
posted by group Y  # 8:06 AM


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