so, i am in my favorite city Portland--in the hotel room, in bed with some sort of stomach trauma... boo. i cant figure out whats going on, but i'm definitely avoiding the alcohol for a while. its putting me through the ringer lately... yuck. anyway, since i'm holed up in the room, i'm keeping up on the Dem Convention. also saw part of a speech by Micheal Moore that he gave at another rally in MA last night. while he is wild-eyed and inflammatory, he is a passionate speaker, and i love what he has to say. i have the transcript linked
here. check it out.
another amusing politico story from yesterday--we were walking down 23rd, kind of in a hurry caus we had to make a meeting... a guy was hitting poeple up on the street, asking if we were registered to vote. i gave him a resounding "yes!" then he asked me if i would sign a petition to get Ralph Nader on the ballot, to which i gave him a resounding "no way!" Michael Moore has some great comments on that as well in his speech...
thats it. werd.
weekend update.
this week turned out ending up much better than it started off. though work is still hectic, things definitely smoothed out a bit. i had my yearly review yesterday, which hasnt happened in definitely more than a year. i went in fearing the worst, but i came out surpisingly happy and with a raise, which i definitely was not anticipating. our company has been under the gun in general ever since i've worked here, and bonuses and raises have been in short supply. my boss must have rallied hard for our dept., cause i'm sure i couldnt have been the only one who got a raise, and a decent one at that--12%! that rules. that could potentially mean the return of Liz's Endangered Savings Account. the elusive and scraggly savings account has a hard time keeping its earnings at respectable levels....
in other boring news--just got my hair cut, which i needed badly. have done my share of purchasing things this week--which definitely will be reined in, at least after the Portland trip, and after my trip to one of my favorite nurseries tomorrow--they're having a blowout sale and its really getting on the late side to buy plants so this weekend will be my last hurrah...
again, these posts arent terribly entertaining, sorry. i'm realizing that the older i get, the less drama i have surrounding me... then again maybe i'm just less flappable. less drama means less exciting stories to report. now i have to rely on politicians and movie stars for all sources of drama... sheesh.
happy weekend.
hi. sorry for the lack of updates. things have been, uh, a little rough at work. i wont go into detail, but lets just say its all i can do to not grind my teeth and/or scream. between our PR firm blatantly f'ing things up, and my boss driving me into a tailspin, this week has been somewhat stressful.
good things... am going to Portland next week for work/fun times, which i'm definitely looking forward to. i looove P-town. some serious shopping will be done. speaking of spending money, my re-fi is complete! yay! i just paid off a huge credit card hunk and have some dollars to do some improvemants to the house that i've been dying to do. the knocking out of debt is a huge relief. not that it should have been there to begin with, totally a result of my own bad habits.
umm, what else. the yard is looking awesome, i'm a little worried about it surviving as i have a lot of travel coming up. i may bite the bullet and actually hire someone to keep it alive when i'm gone since i've put so much time/energy/dollars into it, if i let it die, it will be a collosal waste.
lots of travel and activities coming up--Portland next week, then the parents up for a visit, then off to LA for Xgames, then to SLC for the first Fall tradshow of hte season. blugh.
think that's it, sorry for the lack of interesting posts--this always seems to happen when i get slammed at work.
more politics, and this is a good one. this is a letter sent to the Bush-Cheney campaign manager from the Kerry-Edwards manager, Mary Beth Cahill.... she's a sassy one that Mary Beth. (the real ringer is down at the bottom, RE the CIA leak and a reversal of the "no roads" bill that is going thru compliments of the White House.) enjoy.
July 13, 2004
Ken Mehlman
Campaign Manager
Dear Ken:
Over the past several months, allies of the President have questioned John Kerry’s patriotism while your staff has criticized his service in Vietnam. Republicans and their allies have gone so far as to launch attacks against his wife and your campaign has run $80 million in negative ads that have been called baseless, misleading and unfair by several independent observers.
Considering that the President has failed to even come close to keeping his promise to change the tone in Washington, we find your outrage over and paparazzi-like obsession with a fund-raising event to be misplaced. The fact is that the nation has a greater interest in seeing several documents made public relating to the President’s performance in office and personal veracity that the White House has steadfastly refused to release. As such, we will not consider your request until the Bush campaign and White House make public the documents/materials listed below:
? Military records: Any copies of the President’s military records that would actually prove he fulfilled the terms of his military service. For that matter, it would be comforting to the American people if the campaign or the White House could produce more than just a single person to verify that the President was in Alabama when said he was there. Many Americans find it odd that only one person out of an entire squadron can recall seeing Mr. Bush.
? Halliburton: All correspondence between the Defense Department and the White House regarding the no-bid contracts that have gone to the Vice-President’s former company. Some material has already been made public. Why not take a campaign issue off the table by making all of these materials public so the voters can see how Halliburton has benefited from Mr. Cheney serving as Vice-President?
? The Cheney Energy Task Force: For an Administration that claims to hate lawsuits, it’s ironic that the Bush White House is taking up the Courts’ time to keep the fact that Ken Lay and Enron wrote its energy policy in secret behind closed doors. Please release the documents so that the country can learn what lobbyists and special interests wrote the White House energy policy.
? Medicare Bill: Please release all White House correspondence between the pharmaceutical industry and the Administration regarding the Medicare Bill, which gave billions to some of the President’s biggest donors. In addition, please provide all written materials that directed the Medicare actuary to withhold information from Congress about the actual cost of the bill.
? Prison Abuse Documents: A few weeks ago, the White House released a selected number of documents regarding the White House’s involvement in laying the legal foundation for the interrogation methods that were used in Iraq. Please release the remaining documents.
We also wanted to wish you a happy anniversary. As we are sure you and the attorneys representing the President, Vice-President and other White House officials are aware, today marks one year since Administration sources leaked the identity of a covert CIA agent to Bob Novak in an effort to retaliate against a critic of the Administration.
In light of the fact that the Administration began gutting the laws protecting the nation’s forests yesterday, we hope you will accept the paper on which this letter is written as an anniversary gift. (The one year anniversary is known as the “paper anniversary.”)
Mary Beth Cahill
Campaign Manager
so, i'm back, finally. i have a huge post to compose, but i'm super-overwhelmed and over-caffeinated at the moment. i dont think i'm quite in the state of mind to gather my thoughts in any sort of cohesive order at the moment. so, i will hopefully get the last weeks-worth of events organized in my brain and assembled shortly.
a quick CD mix update--i think i'm finally almost done. one reason for the laggage was my own ADD, but i also didnt think it was right until just about now. i'm tweaking it and hopefully will get it out right pronto.