hello kids.
happy post-Xmas, pre-New years... just got back from the family Xmas Xtravaganza. was pretty damn drama-free this year, got good stuff, no crap to haul home, it was awesome. i've definitely realized how much junk i have in my life over the last year or so, so i try to discourage any gifts that i dont need, which means minimal gifts period. instead of giving each other stuff, my sisters and i went downtown and had a bender on Sunday night, stayed at the W hotel, which was rad. on the other hand, my extremely hung over travel home yesterday was brutal, crescendoing into me yakking into a barf bag on my second flight because of the turbulence. awesome stuff. its the first time i've ever gotten sick on those small planes, it was not cool. sorry for the graphic description, but not much other excitement happened....
hope you all are well, i'm headed out to the Colorado territories shortly for some New Year shredding.
Happy New Year.
hi kids.
i got a new iPod and after my OG five-gigger, it's taking freaking forever to load this thing up. have been doing it at work for the last three days and i've barely made a dent. it's going to be soooo nice. got the car transmitter, and the charger and all the little extras... sweet.
am throwing an engagement party this weekend for two friends in town. these are people that i have a "very interesting" relationship with, as certain people who read this blog have said. the female in this equation is the one whom i had the massive Drama Of the Gas Stove blowout with last summer/fall... she and i didnt speak for probably two or three months, then got back to normal over time. we never discussed it again. she can be a great friend one second, then say something horrible and catty the next. yesterday she told me a special gift i was picking out for someone to make amends on a certain issue was "really weird". this came out of the mouth of someone whom i'm throwing a massive-scaled party for in three days. i think
that's weird. but, whatever. as i've told some of you, i only have so many friends up here. i definitely let things slide with her, that if they were friends of mine in San Diego, that i would propbably walk away from them...
i think i justify certain relationships in my life (mainly this one) with thinking that my interactions with them actually teach me, regardless of whether or not i agree with their actions. when so-and-so pissed me off, there's usually a lesson in there about how i've done that in the past, or at least that its something i wont ever want to do myself... just a thought. i am looking forward to this party for the most part. there's going to be upward of 40 people there and thankfully Chrisitine is donating her (large) house. it should be a good time.
other than that, just prepping in general. i take off for the SD on Wednesday afternoon, return the following Monday for a few days, then take off again on Wednesday for Colorado through New Years. will be fun, but i'm without a cat hotel for the first part. not quite sure how to deal with that catastrophe (har har) at this point. ugh.
work is still gnarly, but in a busy way, not so much in the scary-i-dont-know-what's-happening-way.. now i'm just kind of in denial in general as my brain is so fried. will probably work a little bit this weekend. maybe drag the laptop home and pound out some press releases and try to figure out how to transfer massive email lists from Excel to Outlook....
dont envy me, i know its hard.
hopefully i'll have time to do a real post next week, right now is total madness in prep for sales meeting this weekend... ugh.
this came from a semi-cheesy forwarded email, but i still agree whole-heartedly.... enjoy.
"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO, what a ride!"

thanksgiving weekend. cold as shit, fun as you can have with someone elses' family. Canuks even. i enjoyed myself immensly. thanks B.
tundrah photo

this was from my bday party, a couple of days late as my actual birthday was a travel day, but good times nontheless. it actually even seemed like i had a lot of friends around here as our design geniuses were in town to join in the fun. this one is jen and i, the other of the crew...
tundrah photo

working working.... it never ends even when i escape, its all here waiting for me. at least i have my kicking Missy Elliott track jacket.... werd.
tundrah photo