Random Factoid of the Day: did anyone have a clue the Johnny Cash's epic "A Boy Named Sue" was written by Shel Silverstien???
i had no idea. that is freakin' cool.
today is my last day in the office, a little weird, honestly. this afternoon Sake and i are flying homeward--she to start her temporary residence at mom's pad, and me for interview numero dos, manana.
next week will entail getting my left double-ankle taken care of, as well as packing, organizing and generally getting my shit together. i would guess it'll be a while before i can post again, so, i will be seeing mosts of yous sooner than later...
so, looks like i'm on the monthly update program. the way things are going these days that'll probably be the case for a while.
the latest:
i go back for round two interview this Friday. the first one went great, everyone i met was great (all 3 of them), and if they're at all a good barometer for what the company is like in general, i'm pretty fired up. so, i really hope it works out, cause it would be an amazing opportunity.
house is under contract for the price i was asking which is pretty nuts. barring anything bizarre happening its pretty much a done deal. i close on the first of August and should be on the road by that evening.
have all the moving crap getting underway, movers arranged and that kind of stuff. since i dont exactly have a home to move into immediately, everything i can live without is getting hauled off to glorious Twin Falls to wait it out in storage til i get a permanent pad.
went to Jen & Cory's (of the stove and shared hotel room fiasco) wedding this weekend and it was overall a great time. the wedding was beautiful--at this huge house that was way up in a canyon, completely removed from any other homes/town/etc., it was amazing. it was great to spend one of my last weekends with my all of my best ID friends whom also happen to be mostly my co-workers. we had a blast, of course we drank too much and yesterday was a rough one. as per our usual party etiquette, we all got wasted, danced like a bunch of lunatics and stayed out too late. a perfect party before my exit.
this is my last week of work, and at the end of my last official Monday, i'm still having a hrad time grasping it. this job has been one of the greatest experiences and opportunites i've ever had, and i feel so unbelievably fortunate to have worked here and to have met and gotten to know such great people friends. Christine, Tag, Ben, Eric and Chopper will be high on my favorite people list for many years to come and i'm going to miss them horribly. if the people at my next gig end up being even half as cool, i'll be pretty stoked. plus it still blows my mind that i get to call snowboarding/partying/meeting and hanging with cool and great people "work", but hey, life is what you make of it. so i guess i'm a little proud of myself too. and i'm definitely ready for the next adventure.
oh, and in case anyone is wondering, this is, i swear, the last long distance move i am doing. ever. the end.
hey kids, i'm comin' back to Cali.